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Packing Peanuts

A research paper in which I propose that synthetic data, akin to packing peanuts, can serve as a valuable asset for economic prediction models, enhancing their performance and robustness when integrated with real data. This hybrid approach proves particularly beneficial in scenarios where data has privacy concerns, is either missing or limited in availability.

Moving Image

A simple GAN model trained to convert a sketch to a video based on the research done by Ramy, Ahmed & Barakat, Prof & Barakat, Nahla. (2022). Sketch to Image Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). 10.13140/RG.2.2.16797.38889.


A Python script that accesses any given reddit subreddits to analyze political sentiment from Reddit posts and comments using the API. Results are visualized in an interactive Streamlit dashboard.


Nemesis is an ongoing image to sound synthesis research project. It aims to use the concepts of data sonification to convert any given image or video into a sound file unique to the visual properties.

Cruel World for Endangered Plants

The “Cruel World for Endangered Plants” data visualization project aims to highlight the state of endangered plants around the United States. The project seeks to provide a comprehensive view of the current state of endangered plants and the government efforts in place.

QR Code Monkey

QR Code Monkey is a python package that provides easy and free access to QR Code Monkey API. It integrates custom and unique looking QR codes into your system or workflow.

New York Times icon

New York Times Sentiment Analysis

This is a Vader Sentiment analysis project of New York Times articles for any given timeframe using the New York Times Archive API. Some of the key findings for the last 10 years were: The total number of articles being published by The New York times seems to be dropping year over year. There is a discernible difference and trend between among negative and posiive article headlines, and lastly, there are key spikes during the 2020-2021 a.k.a. peak covid pandemic years.

Lost Films

A visual project showcasing all the films classified as 'lost' i.e. one can never watch them again.



